Zentangle Gallery
White Tiles:
These are the traditional 3 1/2 inch Zentangle tiles
Black Tiles:
Stunning designs can be achieved by using white Gelly Roll pens and shading with white charcoal pencils on black Zentangle tiles.
Renaissance Tiles:
A soft drawing technique harkening back to the Renaissance, uses black and brown ink with white charcoal highlights on a tan background.
The geometric flow and circular structure of a mandala is a natural fit with Zentangle. The two words were merged to become Zendalas.
ZIAs (Zentangle Inspired Art):
This term refers to Zentangle patterns that are drawn on any surface other than a
3 1/2 inch traditional tile with black ink. This is a chance to push the limits using colors and different sizes.
Opus Tiles:
Opus is one of the newest official Zentangle tiles - a huge 10 1/2 inches square. This allows for dramatic inkwork in large scale. Artwork of this size is also considered a ZIA.